눈꽃처럼 반짝임을 강조한 실입니다.
성분 : 61% Polyester, 39% Polyester Filament(반짝이)
길이 : 약 10야드 (=9.0m)
굵기 : DMC 25번사의 약 6배 정도굵기 (#5 pearl cotton 정도)
Hand-dyed 실은 혹시 물빠짐이 있을 수 있으니 수놓기 전에 세탁한후 사용하세요.
A synthetic metallic thread.
It is very easy to work with and in weight is similar to #5 pearl cotton, six strands of floss or one ply of persian wool.
White tends to reflect the colors used around it.
Although it has lots of sparkle, decorative stitches look well worked with Snow.
It also comes in a variety of colors.