Hand-dyed실로는 세계적으로 가장 유명한 Caron사의 실입니다.
손염색된 (hand-dyed) 단색 울실크사로서,
두가지 성분의 환상적인 조화로 색상이 너무나 예쁘고 고급스럽습니다.
성분 : 50% Silk, 50% Wool
길이 : 약 36야드(=33m)
굵기 : pearl cotton #8 과 #12 의 중간 정도 (DMC 25번사의 약 2.5~3배 정도)
Hand-dyed 실은 혹시 물빠짐이 있을 수 있으니 수놓기 전에 세탁한후 사용하세요.
(프랑스자수 : Embroidery) : 1가닥
(십자수 : Cross Stitch)
14카운트 ~ 18카운트 : 1가닥
24카운트 ~ 28카운트 : 2칸을 덮어 1가닥
(Needlepoint = Tapestry)
#24 Canvas : 1가닥
#18 Canvas : 1가닥
#13 Canvas : 2가닥
A 50% wool, 50% silk blend.
It comes in solid colors which coordinate with Soie Cristale silk, and hand-dyed colors which coordinate with Watercolours and Waterlilies.
It is about the same weight as Wildflowers, but has more loft.
It is very versatile and can be used on fine linens as well as larger counts of needlepoint canvas.
You can often control the look of your stitches to create either a sculptured or a satiny look simply by adding or subtracting one strand.
The blend of wool and silk gives a unique appearance as the two fibers reflect light differently, giving your stitching great depth.